2020 Past Events

2020 Veterans Day
This would be our second time supporting Soldiers' Angels. A non-profit organization that gives 80lbs of food each month to a Veterans who falls within their guidelines. We held a Blackjack Run and collected non-perishable food items from our locations Disabled American Veterans Chapter 30, Sanford, FL, Foxhead Lounge, Osteen, FL, Shay's Airport Lounge, Sanford, FL and ending at the Alley, Sanford, FL. To help raise donations, there was a 50/50 and raffle baskets at the Alley. The event collected over $1,400 cash donations and 600 pounds of food.

2020 Christmas Toy Drive
As Christmas approaches each year, we think of those in need of a helping hand. We dropped off our donation boxes at OBs Lounge, Deland, FL, Shotz, DeBary, FL Lies & Alibis, Sanford, FL and ending at Shovelhead Lounge, Longwood, FL. The Claus' were on hand for photo ops throughout the day. Raffles, 50/50 and live music held at Shovelhead Lounge. The boxes were overflowing and with the monetary donations we received, over $6,000 worth of merchandise were donated to the Children's Home Society of Central Florida.